Special Sessions

Special Session Ⅰ - AI for Power Electronics: Design, Control, and Maintenance

Session Chairs:  Dr. Yuan Gao, University of Leicester, UK – yuan.gao@leicester.ac.uk

Dr. Zhen Huang, Nanchang University, China – zhenhuang@ncu.edu.cn

Prof. Huai Wang, Aalborg University, DK – hwa@energy.aau.dk

Special Session Information: 

The rapid advancement of smart grids, electrified transportation, and industrial automation has facilitated the wide application of power electronic systems. Power electronic converters play a crucial role in these systems, enabling efficient and stable system operation through sophisticated control strategies. However, traditional converter control approaches usually cannot perform rapid responses and robust control capability in handling nonlinear systems, which are commonly needed in various applications. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) could optimize control performance by mitigating these issues based on powerful algorithms and high-performance models. For the real application of AI in converter-based systems, the common challenges include high real-time requirements, substantial data demands, and limited model interpretability. And the models and requirements would vary for different life-cycles phases: design, control, and maintenance. Tackling these challenges necessitates the efficient real-time AI algorithms tailored for practical systems in low-data environments. These endeavors are crucial for meeting the demands of AI for power electronics and achieving enhanced efficiency and stability in control and optimization.

This Special Session aims to provide a forum for worldwide researchers in academia and industry to share their contributions and discuss further advances in the subject of AI for power electronics during three life-cycles phases: design, control, and maintenance. Manuscripts with original ideas and both theoretical and practical contributions are warmly welcome.

Below is an incomplete list of potential topics to be covered in the Special Session:

  • Design and optimization of power electronic systems

  • Data-driven control of power converters

  • Model-driven control of power converters

  • AI-powered fault detection and diagnostics of power converters

  • Energy management and optimization of converter-based systems

Special Session Ⅱ - Drive Systems and Energy Management Strategies for Aviation Electrification

Session Chairs:  Prof. Tao Yang, University of Nottingham, UK

Dr. Xinyang Hao, University of Nottingham, UK

Special Session Information: 

To meet the urgent need for global net zero emissions, the transportation industry is undergoing a major transformation towards electrification. This shift offers a cleaner, greener alternative to diesel and petrol, as well as a reduction in noise pollution. The aviation industry is at the forefront of this revolution, adopting electric propulsion systems to meet these ambitious targets. Two crucial aspects of aviation propulsion systems are electrical drives and energy management strategies. Electrical drives ensure efficient and reliable operation under various conditions, and effective energy management strategies optimize performance by considering different energy sources. To support and advance research in these areas, this special session aims to gather the latest research and advancements in drive systems and energy management strategies for aviation electric propulsion. The special session will provide a platform for researcher, practitioners and industry experts to share their insights, advancements and challenges in aerospace applications to enhance the performance, efficiency, and reliability of drive systems and energy management strategies.

Below is an incomplete list of potential topics to be covered in the Special Session:

  • Electrical machines for aviation electric propulsion

  • Advanced control strategies for electric drives in aviation

  • Intelligent algorithms for improving the efficiency of electrical drive

  • AI applications in motor control and parameter estimation

  • Fault diagnosis and prognosis of electrical drive system in aviation

  • Electrical power distribution systems in aviation

  • Power system modelling, simulation and optimization

  • Power flow optimization and control in aviation

  • Sizing of batteries, fuel cells, and super-capacitors for aviation

  • Multiple-target energy optimization for aviation