
Here enclosed the brief timetable of the conference agenda, please plan schedule refer to the table in advance. The complete Conference Program will be available soon.

Augus 28, 2024: Registration and Material Collection

August 29, 2024: Technical sessions + Parallel Session

August 30, 2024: Social Networking Events

Oral Presentation

All oral presenters are requested to give an oral presentation in English based on their papers. There will be 15 minutes for each presentation (inclusive of Q&A). We will provide a laptop and other equipment for the presentation. Presenters should get their PPT/PDF prepared in advance.

Poster Presentation

Dimensions for the conference poster are 1189 * 841 mm. Height is 1189 mm, width is 841mm.

Excellent Presentations Award

One excellent presentation will be selected from each session. The excellent one will be announced when each session ends. The winner will be awarded at the beginning of the Dinner Banquet:

* A signed and stamped official award certificate;

* The announcement of their achievement on a special conference webpage;

* Having the paper included in the list of conference excellent papers and invited for an extended and revised version published in a book or a journal, if a post-publication agreement is available for this particular conference.